Looks like the no DJ, CDQ version leaked a little early. Suggest downloading this track, its a hot one.
Radio - Wiz Khalifa
YF Comes through with a way better snippet then mine. Shouts to YF! Track coming tomorrow, but YF will be releasing the CDQ no DJ version after the YMHD version leaks.
Radio - Wiz Khalifa
Well Young Money HD is going to leak this track tomorrow, so I thought why don't I release a little snippet of it before. Here is a G-Sky tagged up 13 second snippet of a very anticipated Wiz track. I don't really want to call this MY exclusive, cause it is not, but I did put my tags on it. I'm sure there will be a couple of you people hating on me for doing this, but oh well.
Radio - Wiz Khalifa [Tags/Snippet]